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Gould's Turkey 2008

Rincon Outfitters had another highly successful hunt for Gould's in Chihuahua this past weekend keeping our four year Gould's success at 100%. We had three hunters, two of whom were attempting to complete their Royal Slams. We found that 2007 spring recruitment was much higher than we have experienced in past seasons in this area and there were much higher numbers of hens and jakes, while mature gobblers numbers remain unchanged (but still quite high). Calling was much more difficult as most birds were very henned up and tough to call. My Client, from Colorado, harvested a wonderful gobbler to complete his Royal Slam that sports three beards of 10 5/8", 2 4/8" and 4/8" (see photo below). Our Michigan hunter, who hunted with Jimmy Seay to complete his Royal Slam, shot a magnificent four year old bird that sported a 10 4/8" beard and HEAVY 1" spurs. Our last hunter from Arizona hunted with Jimmy and closed to within one bird of a Royal Slam with his 9 5/8" longbeard. It was a great hunt with great clients and I am looking forward to next year with 07's great recruitment.

Turkey 2008

Opening morning found Sam Drachman and myself set up around four hundred yards above another mouthy gobbler. He hit the ground running as it only took him ten minutes to show up at our decoys with one of his real hen friends. Sam shot him, his first turkey, with a single shot at 25 yards as he stood surveying the decoy spread wondering where to start!! Sam, being the true competitor he is, was elated to be the first of the Drachman clan to have a bird on the ground. Sam's bird is what we would call a Jake and a half. He has the tail of a Jake, a six inch "thick" beard, and a mature gobbler head.

William, not be outdone, went out with Dad and I on the afternoon of Day two. After working a few big longbeards with hens unsuccessfully, we ran into a flock of six Jakes and one longbeard. William and I got above the birds on a snowy ridge, and proceeded to call them in in a single file line. William, having shot the former #1 SCI longbeard two years ago with a muzzleloader, was not as concerned about a trophy, and merely wanted to enjoy his hunt. The birds were around thirty yards and milling around making picking out the longbeard a true chore. When the birds began to get nervous, William put the hammer down on a single bird in a small opening that presented the safest shot!! A nice fat Jake was down for the count and now Dad and I can head to New Mexico! Yahoo!

For those of you who are not familiar with Arizona's youth hunts, our Game & Fish Dept. has some of the finest opportunities in the nation for our up and coming next generation of hunters!! Visit the AZGFD's website at: www.azgfd.com to learn more. Good luck in the field and stay safe!!

New Mexico April 2008

Here are some photos from the first five minutes of our New Mexico 2008 Turkey hunt. I roosted 12 gobblers without any hens the night before season. At first light, I had all twelve running at me in the lowest light I have ever seen a turkey on the ground. It is amazing what a little sweet hen talk can do to twelve horny gobblers!! I pile drived my bird at around six yards with a blast from my muzzleloading shotgun (game over!!). He has a 10" beard. Jeff, a friend of guide Jimmy's, who had never been turkey hunting was sitting to my right. When the birds scattered, he shot the next closest bird, a jake, and also another jake behind it, with one shot!!! Not bad for his first hunt. Two birds, one shot. Jimmy, who I made hunt on his own due to his great turkey success of late, did just as well. He got on a group of four gobblers and a few hens and called them into around thirty-five yards. He shot both of his birds, a gobbler and a jake, with one shot as well (probably not planned!). His big bird has a 10.25" beard. Quick hunt!!!!

March 2008

Guide Jimmy Seay and I just returned from our trip to Florida in pursuit of the elusive Osceola Turkey. Both Jimmy and I were successful in harvesting mature birds. While Jimmy's beard was a tad longer, my 1 3/8" spurs beat out his 1 1/4" spurs. My bird is the new #1 Osceola with a muzzleloading shotgun as well. Thanks again to Hans and Pablo for making the trip happen and helping me to finally complete my Grand and Royal Slams. One more species and Jimmy will join me! Here are photos from our trip!!

Please do not hesitate to contact Rincon Outfitters via E-mail or telephone (520) 349-6497 with questions about our services.

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